CO2 Neutralizing Sapling Adoption Program
This project provided attendees of the Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA, the option to partially offset carbon emissions produced traveling to and from the conference, by adopting one or more tree saplings.
The installation consisted of a plant rack containing a selection of saplings suited to different climate zones. On a world map adjacent to the rack, visitors could locate where they traveled from and to, and calculate how much CO2 they produced en-route to San Rafael, depending on mode of transport. Prospective "parents" were asked to sign an adoption form which committed them to care for the sapling properly.
The aim was to raise awareness; to act upon what our options as autonomous beings is to exact change, and hopefully to foster relationships between interested parties who share like visions of a greener future.
Sample Sapling Adoption Form: California Sycamore (PDF)